While function is the most important element in a bathroom, style is also important. If your bathroom is lacking in this department, you don't have to jump into a full bathroom renovation. There are a number of smaller upgrades you can make that will completely alter the look of the space.

Built-In Shelving

If you're like most people, you probably have more fragrances, facial cleansers, makeup and other toiletries than you have places to store them. Cluttering up your counter space with this overflow of products can make your bathroom look cluttered and unattractive. You can eliminate this problem with built-in shelving for your bathroom.

This type of shelving can be built into any wall area that is free and clear. The shelves can be designed to match existing appointments in the space, such as the trim. To take the design appeal a step further, once your shelving has been constructed, you can place your toiletries inside decorative boxes to further enhance the look of the shelving.

Doorless Shower

If you're looking for a way to make your bathroom look more modern, but you don't want to perform a complete bathroom remodel, consider upgrading to a doorless shower. Doorless showers are basically walk-in showers that don't have a traditional door, just a single glass panel that is generally installed on the end of the shower nearest the showerhead.

The open design of this type of shower won't just completely transform the look of your bathroom, but also make the space appear more modern and even make your bathroom look larger. If you already have a separate shower in your bathroom, performing this upgrade is quite simple. For more information, check with companies like Enterprise Glass Co Inc.

New Lighting

If you're satisfied with the overall layout of your bathroom, but still think something is missing, consider a lighting upgrade. The lighting design in a bathroom should be about more than just illuminating a space. The lighting you choose should also create an atmosphere or scene.

For example, if you want to set a calming tone near your tub area, soft wall sconces are a great idea. On the other hand, if you want brighter lighting around your vanity so that you can see better and to help wake you up in the morning, hanging light fixtures can help with this goal. Don't be afraid to mix it up.

Don't let the fear of a massive project keep you from updating your bathroom. Remember, there are a number of small changes that can yield big results. 
